Both chambers adjourned last night just in time to watch the UNI game, but reconvened Saturday in effort to bring the legislative session to a close.
Last night, the Senate passed out the Standings bill and messaged it over to the House. That and the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund bills are the two major pieces of legislation that are left to debate. Also in the fray is a NRA sponsored bill that some feel is a must-pass in an election year where legislators depend on their NRA ratings to gain support.
The House was scheduled to reconvene Saturday at 9:00am, but by 11:30 had just said the Serenity Prayer and gaveled in. The concern in the lobby is that both caucuses on the House side have spent the morning writing amendments to the Standings bill. If the House doesn’t accept the Senate version as is, any new amendments the House adopts will send the bill back to the Senate for approval.
The Senate has spent a majority of the morning debating the NRA bill.
Senator Rielly was seen wearing a pink blazer this morning, and just a few other lobbyists and legislators were similarly seen wearing bright pink and orange shirts and seersucker. Such attire is meant to signal the last day of session; however it may be premature. Missing is the distinguished green-paisley jacket worn by Senator Gronstal’s Chief of Staff Eric Bakker which signals the assuredness of sine die.
Inside the Iowa House – Thank You to Iowa Educators
THANK YOU TO IOWA EDUCATORS by House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst
It seems hard to believe the new school year is just around the corner.
Teachers ...
2 years ago
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