Hope and Change belonged to the Republican Party Tuesday night and Republicans in Iowa have something to be optimistic about as well.
“This is the people’s seat!” Republican Scott Brown’s win in Massachusetts is not just huge – it is truly a historic and revolutionary event. Massachusetts voters from all parties went to the polls today intent on sending Washington a message and that message is clear. Americans will not tolerate the kind of closed-door disingenuous politics that we have been plagued with over the last year. While the implications for Washington and national politics may be evident, the trickledown effect on individual states will be a shot in the arm for Republicans and a warning for sitting Democrats and wayward Republicans.
Des Moines Republicans gathered early this morning at the Conservative Breakfast Club held at RPI Headquarters to hear an address by Jim Gibbons, former ISU wrestling coach and current candidate for U.S. House District 3. Gibbons emphasized his background as an Iowa boy brought up on Iowa values and a strong work ethic, who wants to take some of that to Washington. Based only on this speech, Gibbons appears to be very electable – but so did Jeff Lamberti and Stan Thompson in recent years. Gibbons is just one of five Republican candidates vying for Congressman Boswell's Seat. State Senator Brad Zaun, Dave Funk, Dr. Pat Bertroche, and Mark Rees are also in the race.
Also this morning former governor Terry Branstad officially announced his candidacy for governor at the Iowa State Historical Building. A crowd of over 200 people of all ages gathered to hear the historic announcement. The Governor was introduced by Representative Jeff Kaufman who aptly noted that it was Governor Branstad that signed the Defense of Marriage Act in Iowa in 1998. Branstad gave a great speech, and the event was very well executed overall. Attendees left feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future of Iowa, as well as their own.
Governor Branstad’s announcement and Scott Brown’s win today are just the hope and change needed to get the state and the nation back on the path of accountability, prosperity, and freedom.
Inside the Iowa House – Thank You to Iowa Educators
THANK YOU TO IOWA EDUCATORS by House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst
It seems hard to believe the new school year is just around the corner.
Teachers ...
2 years ago
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