Wednesday was 3M Day at the State Capitol. 3M business leaders and local plant managers led by Dan Gary, 3M's Public Affairs Manager, met with the House and Senate majority and minority leaders and their local legislators to discuss issues and concerns affecting 3M plants in Iowa.
Among those concerns were Big Labor’s bills, particularly doctor shopping (a.k.a. choice of doctor). 3M provides healthcare for its employees and over the past five years of 1,000 employees each year has had ZERO complaints filed about the occupational doctors 3M has provided for its employees.
Another concern is the yearly threat of combined corporate reporting. The bill was killed early this year, but inevitably will come up again. Forest City, Iowa is home to 3M’s largest distribution center. Forest City plant manager John Roisen told legislative leaders that the Iowa distribution center competes with states nationwide, and combined corporate reporting would make it easy for them to pack up and move their operation and 140 jobs to another state.
There is one good-for-Iowa bill out now that 3M would like to see passed. House File 199 provides for the use of safe and environmentally friendly cleaning products by the state’s schools. 3M is a maker of the “green-cleaning products” which are certified as “green” by an independent agency. The bill is currently in the House Education Committee and will need to move by Friday to survive Funnel Week.
Legislators and legislative leaders recognized 3M as a model corporation that provides valuable jobs to Iowans. Senate Minority Leader Paul McKinley (R-Chariton) expressed his appreciation for good companies like 3M who invest in Iowa, and believes that it is manufacturing jobs that can help get America out of the economic slump it’s in.
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