CSG brought one of its TMC truck tractors up to the State Capitol briefly Wednesday afternoon. This fine specimen was on display for legislators to see firsthand the thousands of dollars worth of safety equipment installed on the inside - living up to TMC's "Commitment to Excellence."
The use of this safety equipment may be considered “distracting” under the terms of a new bill – which could result in more penalties for drivers who are found to have been distracted at the time of an accident. Senate Study Bill 1217 expands the offense of “careless driving” to include “driving while distracted.” Careless driving is a simple misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $25
Certain activities which are incidental to driving are not distracting activities under the bill, including conversation with passengers, using a global positioning system device, using an installed audio system, using an amateur radio, or calling 911.
Specified distracting activities include using a cellular telephone, text messaging, using a computer or video game device, viewing a television or digital video disc player, personal grooming, eating, drinking, reading, writing, interacting with pets, reaching for or maneuvering unsecured cargo, or interacting with passengers in the back seat of the vehicle
Freshman Representative Chris Hagenow (R-Des Moines) took the opportunity to investigate the inside of the TMC tractor. He was very impressed with all the safety equipment installed including a device that alerts the driver when he is within 3 seconds of the vehicle ahead of him. He reasoned that so much is invested in these trucks that it is in the best interest of drivers and TMC to keep the trucks on the road and accident free.
CSG plans to bring the tractor back up for legislators on a day when the weather is a bit more favorable.
[photo above of your fearless blogger hitching a ride]
Fair to say Nicole that if the lobbying or the lawyering or perhaps someday soon...the legislating does not work out for you...you at least look like you might be a damn good trucker :) ha