Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Capitol Strategies Group, Inc. is continuing to work at the Capitol on behalf of our clients. While I do have my own responsibilities every day, a lot of what I am doing right now is observing, listening, and learning. There is a lot of information to take in with regards to how things are accomplished around the Capitol.

Sometimes I am surprised at how simple it can be to arrange a meeting and get something done. On the other hand, sometimes it can seem like it is way too complicated, and no work will ever get done. I am still very early into the process so I am not trying to get too high or too low as far as reacting to my surroundings.

While I mainly listen when we are having meetings with Legislators, yesterday I got my first real taste of the job, however informal it was. I was able to speak with a House Leader and tell him we had a few bills we wanted moved. When I told him what bill I was specifically referring to, I was met with "No."

Call it what you will, but at worst, he was just sticking to his guns and not giving me any run-a-round, which is a good thing.

CSG will continue to monitor a number of bills and represent our clients in the best way we know how, and the session is only going to get better for us.

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